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Temporary residence
Temporary residence
A foreign national can submit an application for an approval of temporary residency in the Republic of Serbia in order to obtain a temporary residence permit, i.e. a single permit to reside and work.
In the event of an approved application, a foreign national who had submitted an application for an approval of temporary residency will either be issued a Temporary residence permit or a Single permit to reside and work depending on the selection of the grounds on which he/she had submitted the application, i.e. the detailed reason for his/her stay in the Republic of Serbia.
If you intend to obtain a SINGLE PERMIT TO RESIDE AND WORK, the application shall be submitted exclusively electronically by filling in the online application form for an approval of temporary residency. When filling in the online form, the application shall be submitted on the grounds of employment, i.e. for more detailed reasons such as: employment on the grounds of an employment contract or another contract that exercises workplace rights, self-employment, assigned or delegated persons, intra-corporate transfer, an independent professional, professional training and development, whereby the foreign national, whose application has been approved, will be issued a Temporary residence and work permit (single permit).
To issue a temporary residence and work permit (single permit), the application for an approval of temporary residency shall be submitted exclusively electronically by filling in the application form on the single Foreign Nationals’ Portal:
The application can be submitted by a foreign national in person, who had previously registered his/her account as a foreign citizen on the Foreign Nationals’ Portal, that is, the application can be submitted on behalf of a foreign national by a foreign national’s employer with a registered account on the eGovernment portal (as a legal entity, entrepreneur, institution, etc.).
Both the procedure and method of account registration for employers on the eGovernment portal falls under the jurisdiction of the The Office for information technologies and eGovernment of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, therefore information about an account registration method can be found at the following link: Employer’s Registration on the eGovernment portal .
The documentation, i.e. proofs, enclosed complete with the application, are prescribed in the Rulebook on Single Permit Issuance for Foreign National’s Temporary Residence and Work ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No. 6/2024 of 26 January 2024).
If a D visa is mandatory for the submission of an application, the application shall be submitted during visa validity period and can only be submitted on the same grounds on which the D visa had been issued.
The single portal defines clearly what documentation needs to be enclosed for each ground of residence for which the application is submitted, i.e., a more detailed reason for a foreign national's stay in the Republic of Serbia.
When submitting an application on the grounds of employment, when the reason is an employment contract or another contract under which employment rights are exercised, the ID number of the initiated procedure shall be enteerd for the purpose of a labor market test.
Proofs submitted complete with an application shall be enclosed either in an electronic or digital form in the place clearly marked in the documentation app, where the following is set out: the name of an enclosed document, document form and the maximum size of the document in megabytes.
Proof of the intended short-term address, i.e. residential address, is enclosed together with a tenancy agreement, i.e. a statement of the intended residential address signed by the landlord.
When submitting an application, the prescribed administrative fees shall be paid exactly as defined in the online application form on the single Foreign Nationals’ Portal: In order for your application to be regarded as submitted, the fees shall be paid in one of the prescribed manners as provided in the app: either by payment card or by payment order created exclusively on the portal.
If a foreign national intends to continue to reside and work in the Republic of Serbia after the issued permit has expired, a new application shall be submitted no earlier than three months, and no later than the expiration date of already issued single permit to reside and work
A valid personal or official passport, i.e. a valid national identity card, shall be enclosed together with an application for approval, i.e. extension of temporary residency, if a foreign national is allowed to enter the Republic of Serbia with a national identity card of the country of which he/she is a citizen in compliance with regulations in place.
The personal document enclosed with the application has to be valid for at least another three months compared to the period for which the temporary residence permit is requested.
If the conditions for an approval to reside and work are met, the applicant shall be informed about both the precise date and time of a foreign national‘s visit to the official premises of the competent authority through the single portal in eDelivery in order to have his/her biometric data taken and a biometric card created for the purpose of being issued a temporary permit to reside and work.
Employment on the grounds of an employment contract or another contract exercising workplace rights
- A valid personal document
- A foreign citizen’s photo
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address or a tenancy agreement
- A draft employment contract or another contract by which a foreign national exercises his/her employment rights without entering the employment relationship in compliance with the law
- An excerpt from the Rulebook on the Systematization and Organisation of Workplaces, or an employer's statement containing a job title and description, qualification level and type, i.e., education and other special conditions for working in the position if the employer employs less than 10 employees
- A diploma certificate, i.e., other public document proving the appropriate qualification level and type obtained
- An employer’s excerpt on registration in the Republic of Serbia
An autorised official shall also provide a certificate proving that an employer has not fired employees due to technological redundancies, economic or organisational changes in workplaces for which a single work permit is requested within 90 days prior to submitting the application for a single work permit in compliance with labor regulations.
The employer who signs the contract shall initiate the procedure for conducting a labor market test, and the ID number of the initiated procedure for the labor market test shall be entered when filling in the online application form for an approval of temporary residency based on thereof.
Self employment – Registered in the decision on registration
- A valid personal document
- A foreign citizen’s photo
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address or a tenancy agreement
- An excerpt on registration in the Republic of Serbia where a foreign national is registered as either a founder or an owner
- A document, i.e. a certificate confirming that a foreign national holds appropriate qualifications to perform a specific activity
Assigned or delegated persons – Contract on business and technical cooperation
- A valid personal document
- A foreign citizen’s photo
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address or a tenancy agreement
- An employer’s and foreign employer’s statement of a foreign national’s assignment or delegation to the Republic of Serbia
- A foreign employer’s statement or a certificate of employment abroad
- Contract on business and technical cooperation entered between an employer and a foreign employer
- An employer’s and foreign employer’s statement that a foreign national will be returned to work with a foreign employer at the end of the secondment
- An employer’s excerpt on registration in the Republic of Serbia
Intra-corporate transfer
- A valid personal document
- A foreign citizen’s photo
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address or a tenancy agreement
- An employer’s and foreign employer’s statement of temporary referral to the Republic of Serbia
- A foreign employer’s statement or a certificate of employment, i.e. employment of a foreign national as a manager, specialist or intern
- An employer’s and foreign employer’s statement that a foreign national will be returned to work with a foreign employer at the end of the secondment
- An employer’s excerpt on registration in the Republic of Serbia proving that an employer registered in the Republic of Serbia is a subsidiary of a company registered abroad, i.e. as proof of the connection between an employer and a foreign employer from where a foreign national is referred
An independent professional
- A valid personal document
- A foreign citizen’s photo
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- A certificate of registration of an independent professional abroad
- An agreement for the provision of services with either an employer or end user, which necessarily contains a deadline for work performance
- A diploma or certificate of professional qualifications
- A document, i.e. a certificate of work experience in a line of work for at least three years
- An employer’s excerpt on registration in the Republic of Serbia
Professional training and development
- A valid personal document
- A foreign citizen’s photo
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- Either a contract signed with an employer or another document proving training or internship, professional practice, work placement, professional training, i.e. professional development followed by place and duration of thereof
- A diploma certificate, i.e., other public document proving appropriate qualification level and type obtained
- An employer’s excerpt on registration in the Republic of Serbia
- Temporary residence permit
The application for a temporary residency approval shall be submitted to the Police Directorate for the City of Belgrade-Directorate for Foreign Nationals and regional police directorates , i.e., organisational units tasked with residence and movement of foreign nationals in the Republic of Serbia depending on either a foreign national’s short-term address or a foreign national’s residential address, or electronically at the single Foreign Nationals’ Portal:
If a D visa is not required for a foreign national to apply for a temporary residency approval, the application can also be submitted from abroad. As for an application submitted electronically from abroad, proof of short-term address shall be enclosed complete with a tenancy agreement, i.e. a statement of the intended residential address signed by a landlord (separate certification is not required).
Complete documentation, i.e. all prescribed proofs shall be enclosed together with the application if the said application for either approval or extension of temporary residency is submitted in person.
If the application is submitted electronically on the Foreign Nationals’ Portal, the proof shall be enclosed either in the form of an original electronic document or in digital form.
Payment orders for administrative fees can be created on the eGovernment portal only in the event of application submitted for an extension of temporary residency at the Police Directorate for the City of Belgrade, Department for Foreign Nationals and regional police directorate or organisational units tasked with residence and movement of foreign citizens in the Republic of Serbia by entering the name and surname, personal identification number, short-term address or residential address, after which the STRANCI (FOREIGN NATIONALS) option is selected first in the first drop-down menu, and later the administrative fee prescribed for the application you are submitting.
The application for an extension of temporary residency shall be submitted at least three months earlier, and no later than the expiration of an approved temporary residency.
Either a valid personal or official passport, i.e. a valid national identity card, shall be enclosed complete with the application for approval, i.e. extension of temporary residency, if a foreign national is allowed to enter the Republic of Serbia in compliance with regulations in place with his/her national identity card of the country of which he/she is a citizen. The personal document enclosed with the application shall be valid for at least three more months compared to the time period for which the temporary residency approval is requested.
A foreign national shall stay in the Republic of Serbia in compliance with the purpose for which the temporary residency has been approved.
If the conditions for an approval of both residency and work are met, the applicant shall be informed of both the precise date and time through the single portal in eDelivery of his/her visit to the official premises of the competent authority so as to have his/her biometric data taken and a biometric temporary residence permit card created. The temporary residence permit shall contain a note that clearly stipulates whether a foreign national is entitled to work in the Republic of Serbia in compliance with the law without being isued a special work permit, i.e. a single permit.
More detailed conditions with regards to an approval of temporary residency are prescribed in the Rulebook on the Approval of Temporary Residency.
Important note: If the application is submitted electronically on the single Foreign Nationals’ Portal, the online application form shall be filled in and administrative fees paid exclusively in the manner defined on the single portal.
1. On the grounds of employment:
Employment – a volunteer
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- A voluntary service organizer’s excerpt on registration in the Republic of Serbia
- A voluntary service agreement
- A legal act of the state authority on registration of a voluntary service organizer in the prescribed records of voluntary service organizers, i.e. confirmation of data from the voluntary service organizer's records not older than six months
- A voluntary service scheme, and a written consent by the competent authority to the scheme if a voluntary service organizer is either a business or public enterprise
Employment – accredited foreign journalist
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- An accreditation by the ministry in charge of public information in the Republic of Serbia
Employment – expert engaged in project implementation in cooperation with the competent authorities of the Republic of Serbia
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- A letter by a competent authority, local self-government unit or other organisation or association about the need to hire a foreign citizen detailing his/her position and position duration
Employment – creation of an audiovisual work
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- Contract on business cooperation entered between a domestic and a foreign business entity
- Certificate issued by a business entity from the Republic of Serbia
- Certificate of a foreign national’s employment detailing contract duration, issued by a foreign business entity
- An excerpt on registration of a domestic business entity in the Republic of Serbia
2. On the grounds of schooling:
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- Proof of subsistence during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- Proof of health insurance during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- Certificate of enrollment in primary or secondary school verified by the Ministry of Education
- Certificate of educational institution being verified in the Republic of Serbia
- An affidavit by parents, guardians, or legal representatives that an adult living in the Republic of Serbia will be responsible for a foreign national - for a minor foreign national
- A written guarantee by an adult living in the Republic of Serbia that he/she will be responsible for a foreign national during his/her stay in the Republic of Serbia, especially in terms of providing accommodation, health care and fiancial support (if an adult, who provides a written guarantee for a minor, is a foreign citizen, temporary residency for the minor shall be approved for the period of time for which the guarantor is granted temporary residency) - for a minor foreign national
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- Proof of subsistence during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- Proof of health insurance during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- A confirmation of enrollment in a higher educational institution accredited by the Ministry of Education followed by the specified duration of study programme , and for the purpose of extension a certificate of attendance at the study programme complete with the indicated year of enrollment and duration of studies
Learning of the Serbian Language with the aim of either continuing schooling or studying in the Republic of Serbia
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- Proof of subsistence during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- Proof of health insurance during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- Certificate of attendance at the Serbian language course followed by both start and end date
- An excerpt on registration in the Republic of Serbia of either a legal entity or entrepreneur where a foreign national attends Serbian language classes
- Proof of the intention to study in the Republic of Serbia (proof of an initiated procedure for the recognition of a foreign school document, proof of a paid prescribed tutition fee installment, letter by an educational institution, etc.)
Participation in international pupils’ exchange schemes
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- Proof of subsistence during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- Proof of health insurance during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- A certificate of participation in an international pupils’ exchange scheme issued by a competent institution followed by specified programme duration
- An afffidavit by parents, guardians, or legal representatives that an adult living in the Republic of Serbia will be responsible for a foreign national - for a minor foreign national
- A written guarantee by an adult living in the Republic of Serbia that he/she will be responsible for a foreign national during his/her stay in the Republic of Serbia, especially in terms of providing accommodation, health care and fiancial support - for a minor foreign national
Participation in international students’ exchange schemes
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- Proof of subsistence during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- Proof of health insurance during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- A certificate of participation in an international students’ exchange scheme issued by a competent institution followed by specified programme duration
Scientific-research activity
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- Proof of subsistence during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- Proof of health insurance during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- An excerpt on registration of an accredited scientific research organisation in the Republic of Serbia where a foreign national conducts a scientific research
- Contract entered with a scientific-research organisation on the performance of scientific-research and implementation of research activities
- Certificate issued by an institution, i.e. legal entity where a foreign national conducts scientific research followed by the exact start and end date of scientific research, as well as duration of research activities
Other scientific-educational activities® realised scientific activities
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- Proof of subsistence during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- Proof of health insurance during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- Signed contract on scientific activity performance, i.e., certificate followed by the exact start date, as well as duration of scientific activities
- An excerpt on registration of either a legal entity or institution in the Republic of Serbia where a foreign national performs his/her scientific activity
Other scientific-educational activities ® non-formal education – either attending training or a course for starting a new occupation or profession (e.g. pilot training, IT training academy, etc.)
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- Proof of subsistence during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- Proof of health insurance during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- A signed contract on training for educational purposes, as well as for starting a new career detailing both the start date and duration of said educational activities
- An excerpt on registration of a business entity that organises non-formal education programmes
- An affidavit by parents, guardians, or legal representatives that an adult living in the Republic of Serbia will be responsible for a foreign national - for a minor foreign national
- A written guarantee by an adult living in the Republic of Serbia that he/she will be responsible for a foreign national during his/her stay in the Republic of Serbia, especially in terms of providing accommodation, health care and fiancial support (if an adult, who provides a written guarantee for a minor, is a foreign citizen, temporary residency for the minor shall be approved for the period of time for which the guarantor is granted temporary residency) - for a minor foreign national
Other scientific-educational activities ® sports training of young athlete age groups
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- Proof of subsistence during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- Proof of health insurance during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- A signed contract on sports training and attendance at a sports school detailing both the start date and duration of said activities
- An excerpt on registration of a service provider that delivers a sports training programme for young athlete age groups in compliance with the law governing the field of sports
- An affidavit by parents, guardians, or legal representatives that an adult living in the Republic of Serbia will be responsible for a foreign national- for a minor foreigner
- A written guarantee by an adult living in the Republic of Serbia that he/she will be responsible for a foreign national during his/her stay in the Republic of Serbia, especially in terms of providing accommodation, health care and fiancial support (if an adult, who provides a written guarantee for a minor, is a foreign citizen, temporary residency for the minor shall be approved for the period of time for which the guarantor is granted temporary residency) - for a minor foreign national
3. On the grounds of family reunification:
Family reunification– marriage to a citizen of the Republic of Serbia
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- Marriage certificate issued by competent authorities of the Republic of Serbia
Family reunification– marriage to a foreign national with either a single permit or granted temporary residency on the grounds of employment
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- A document proving a marital union with a foreign national in compliance with the national legislation of the country where the marital union was entered into
Family reunification– marriage to a foreign national with either a permanent residency or temporary residency on the grounds other than employment
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- A document proving a marital union with a foreign national in compliance with the national legislation of the country where the marital union was entered into
- Proof of subsistence during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- Proof of health insurance during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
Family reunification– common-law marriage to either a citizen of the Republic of Serbia or a foreign national with either a single permit or granted temporary residency on the grounds of employment
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- Single status certificate of the citizen of the Republic of Serbia
- An applicant’s single status certificate
- Other proofs of a common-law marriage (declarations by common-law partners and certified statements by two witnesses of a more permanent union of life, proof of a common residential address, i.e. an excerpt from the register of common-law marriages if it is kept in the country where the common-law marriage existed)
Family reunification– common-law marriage to a foreign national with either a permanent residency or temporary residency on the grounds other than employment
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- A single status certificate for both common-law marriage partners
- Other proofs of a common-law marriage (declarations by common-law partners and certified statements by two witnesses of a more permanent union of life, proof of a common residential address, i.e. an excerpt from the register of common-law marriages)
- Proof of subsistence during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- Proof of health insurance during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
Family reunification– kinship with a citizen of the Republic of Serbia
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- A child’s birth certificate
- Presence of both parents is required. If it is not possible to ensure the presence of both parents, an affidavit of the other parent shall be enclosed.
Family reunification – kinship with a foreign national with either a single permit a or granted temporary residency on the grounds of employment
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- A child’s birth certificate
- Presence of both parents is required. If it is not possible to ensure the presence of both parents, an affidavit of the other parent shall be enclosed.
Legal representatives (parents, guardians) of children born in the Republic of Serbia, with an approved temporary residency, shall submit an application for an approval of temporary residency for the child within 90 days of child's birth.
Family reunification– kinship with a foreign national granted either permanent residency or temporary residency on the grounds other than employment
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- A child’s birth certificate
- Presence of both parents is required. If it is not possible to ensure the presence of both parents, an affidavit of the other parent shall be enclosed.
- Proof of subsistence during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- Proof of health insurance during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
Legal representatives (parents, guardians) of children born in the Republic of Serbia, with an approved temporary residency, shall submit an application for an approval of temporary residency for the child within 90 days of child's birth.
Family reunification - with a foreign national granted asylum in the Republic of Serbia
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- A decision copy on granted asylum in the Republic of Serbia
- An ID copy for the immediate family member based on which the application form of temporary residency is submitted
- Available proof of kinship
- Proof of subsistence during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- Proof of health insurance during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
4. Miscellaneous:
Independent temporary residency
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- Proof of subsistence during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- Proof of health insurance during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- Proof in compliance with the grounds on which a foreign national had been granted temporary residency for the previous four years based on family reunification (e.g. either a marriage certificate issued by competent authorities of the Republic of Serbia or a document proving a marital union with a foreign national in compliance with the national legislation of the country where the marital union was entered into or other proofs of a common-law marriage or declarations by common-law partners and certified statements by two witnesses of a more permanent union of life, proof of a common residential address, i.e. an excerpt from the register of common-law marriages - if it is kept in the country where the common-law marriage existed or a child’s birth certificate or a decision copy on granted asylum in the Republic of Serbia and the identity card for the immediate family member based on which both the application form for temporary residency and available proof of kinship are submitted)
Some of the following alternative proofs shall be enclosed as well:
- Death certificate - if an immediate family member, with whom the right to a temporary residency was exercised over the course of previous three years, passed away.
- Proof that the criminal proceeding has been initiated against an immediate family member for committing the criminal offense of domestic violence, i.e. that an immediate family member has been legally convicted of such criminal offense (victim of domestic violence) or a document issued by the competent Center for Social Work proving that measures were taken within its competence during a foreign national’s temporary residency based on family reunification to protect a foreign national from domestic violence, or a document issued by a safe shelter proving that during a foreign national’s temporary residency based on family reunification the applicant was accommodated in their premises for the purpose of protecting him/her against an immediate family member, who has been repeatedly reported to the police, prosecutor's office or other state bodies, due to reasonable grounds that he/she has committed the criminal offense of domestic violence- if a victim of either a family violence or other difficult circumstances is a foreign national with a temporary residency approved for a period of less than four years
Performing a religious service
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- Proof of subsistence during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- Proof of health insurance during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- An excerpt from the registry of a church or religious community in the Republic of Serbia
- Employment contract or a letter by a registered church or religious community in the Republic of Serbia stating that a foreign national is engaged either in the capacity of a priest or a church clerk
Medical treatment
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- Proof of subsistence during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- Proof of health insurance during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- An excerpt from the registry of a health care institution in the Republic of Serbia
- A letter by a health care institution stating the place of medical treatment and the need for continuous treatment for a certain period of time
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- Proof of subsistence during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- Proof of health insurance during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- A letter by the social care institution
- An excerpt from the registry of a social care institution in the Republic of Serbia
- Licence to work issued by the competent body tasked with social care activities
Real estate ownership
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- Proof of subsistence during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- Proof of health insurance during a foreign national’s planned temporary residency
- An excerpt from the real estate folio in the land register, therefore, exceptionally, other document proving ownership can also be considered as proof (certified real estate purchase agreement, deed of gift, probate decision, property tax decision, court verdict, life estate deed etc.).
5. Categories of foreign nationals who can be granted temporary residency irrespective of the grounds for granting a temporary residency:
Foreign nationals having founded a company in the Republic of Serbia and whose innovative activity has been recognised by a registered Science and Technology Park, of which the Republic of Serbia, an autonomous province, the city of Belgrade or a local self-government unit is one of its founders;
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- A document issued by a registered Science and Technology Park by which a company’s activity, founded by a foreign national in the Republic of Serbia, is confirmed and thereby recognised as an innovative activity
The first temporary residency shall be approved for a period of one year, therefore one of the following documents specified below shall be enclosed when applying for an extension of temporary residency:
- Proof of employment relationship with either one or more citizens of the Republic of Serbia during the period of previously approved temporary residency that exceeds the period of time for which the extension of temporary residency has been requested, or
- Proof that a company established for innovative activity purposes earned a minimum business income in the amount of RSD 1,000,000.00 during the period of previously valid temporary residency, or
- A document issued by the Science and Technology Park which confirms a company’s active engagement in innovative activities
Foreign nationals investing in an already registered company in the Republic of Serbia, i.e. in the company’s activity through basic tangible and intangible assets;
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- Either a certificate of or a statement excerpt on the possession of funds on a bank account at a bank registered in the Republic of Serbia in the amount of at least EUR 50,000.00 i.e. in the equivalent value in either RSD or other foreign currency
The first temporary residency shall be approved for a period of six months, and one of the following documents below shall be enclosed when applying for an extension of temporary residency:
- Proof of paid cash capital contribution in the amount of at least EUR 5,000.00 or equivalent value in either RSD or other foreign currency into the share capital of an already registered company
Foreign nationals with a decision on professional recognition of a tertiary education certificate issued by the competent authority of the Republic of Serbia;
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- Decision on professional recognition of a tertiary education certificate issued by the competent authority of the Republic of Serbia
The first temporary residency shall be approved for a period of one year, and one of the following documents specified below shall be enclosed when applying for an extension of temporary residency:
- Employment contract, fixed-term contract or other contract that proves a foreign national’s employment in the Republic of Serbia in compliance with labor regulations
- An excerpt on registration of a legal entity’s in the Republic of Serbia during previously valid temporary residency, of which a foreign national is one of its founders
Serbian origin
An applicant’s Serbian origin is considered either a blood or adoptive kinship with an ancestor in a direct line who is either a citizen of the Republic of Serbia or a citizen of predecessor countries of the Republic of Serbia, i.e. of a country of which the Republic of Serbia is a legal successor, i.e. who either declares or has declared as a Serb.
- A completely filled in application form for an approval/extension of temporary residency
- A valid personal document
- Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face)
- Proof of paid prescribed administrative fee
- A landlord’s statement of his/her agreement to a foreign national’s registered residential address
- Either a domestic or a foreign public document that has a probative value of a domestic public document in compliance with the law, and which proves the applicant's Serbian origin
- Baptism record by the Serbian Orthodox Church issued by either a diocese or parish of the church which proves the applicant’s Serbian origin, i.e. his/her ancestor’s Serbian origin
The first temporary residency shall be approved for a period of one year, and one of the following documents below shall be enclosed when applying for an extension of temporary residency:
- Employment contract, fixed-term contract or other contract which proves a foreign national’s employment in the Republic of Serbia in compliance with labor regulations
- Certificate of a legal entity’s registration in the Republic of Serbia issued during previously valid temporary residency, of which a foreign national is one of its founders
- Certificate of real estate acquisition in the Republic of Serbia
- Certificate of a foreign national’s income
- Certificate of a right to a foreign pension
Proof of a foreign national’s subsistence shall be considered as follows:
- Salary certificate (salary slip, etc.);
- Employment contract or other contract in compliance with labor regulations;
- Proof of pension insurance payments;
- Proof of entry into the Register of Agricultural Holdings;
- A certificate of or an excerpt on bank account funds of a bank registered in the Republic of Serbia in the amount of minimum salary in the Republic of Serbia for the year for which the application is submitted;
- Either a written guarantee by a legal entity registered in the Republic of Serbia or a certified guarantee by a natural person that he/she shall incur financial costs during a foreign national’s stay followed by some of the aforementioned proofs certifying that the guarantor possesses the funds
Proof of a foreign national’s health insurance shall be considered as follows:
- Foreign nationals, with whose countries the Republic of Serbia has signed an International Agreement on Social Insurance, will have a European health insurance card, i.e. another document proving that a foreign national is covered in his/her country of origin in compliance with the regulations on health insurance of the Republic of Serbia.
- A foreign national’s health insurance policy
- Proof of scholarship
- Proof of funds covering the costs of either emergency medical care or chronic disease treatment
- A written guarantee by either a legal entity registered in the Republic of Serbia or a certified guarantee by a natural person that he/she will cover the costs of emergency medical care, i.e. chronic disease treatment followed by proof of available funds;
- Valid health insurance card of the Republic of Serbia
Proofs not issued by the competent authorities of the Republic of Serbia shall be translated by an authorized court translator.
Statements made by a foreign national, which serve as proof of meeting appropriate legal conditions for granting either temporary or permanent residency, shall be certified by a notary public.