
Frequently asked questions and answers


What is the purpose of the Human Resources Plan?

HR plan is developed with aim to determine the HR needs of the Ministry in relation to the total number of vacancies. HR needs are assessed in accordance with the strategic objectives of the Ministry. HR plan is adopted on a yearly basis. It is customized in accordance with the predetermined available budgetary funds, and represents the basis for the recruitment and selection activities. Good HR planning enables the employment of the desired profile of police officers at the appropriate position.

When will the open competition for admission to basic police training be announced?

The open competition is announced by the Ministry of Interior depending on the needs of individual regional police departments and other organizational units, based on the decision of the Government on the number of trainees who can be admitted by MoI during a year's time.

There is no fixed date of announcing the open competition.

The competition announcement is published in the media. Interested parties can obtain the information about the date of the announcement of the competition in regional police departments and police stations.

The open competition includes:

• the number of trainees,

• the requirements of the competition,

• the prescribed method of submitting the application,

• the candidate selection process.

Who is eligible to apply?

The Rulebook published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No 97/2015 stipulates the eligibility criteria as following - persons (young men and women) must:
• be a citizen of the Republic of Serbia;
• not have dual citizenship;
• have at least one-year-long residence (until the day of the deadline for submitting applications for the competition) in the territory of the organizational unit of the MoI where the enrollment is being announced;
• be at least 18 years of age, but not older than 24;
• have completed four-year secondary education;
• have no convictions of any kind, and no other security obstacles for admission to employment in the MoI.

How to apply

After the announcement of the open competition and its publication in the media, interested parties who meet the mentioned criteria can obtain the application form at the organizational unit of the MoI where they have residence.
Application form shall be accompanied by the following documents:
1) the original of the certificate of citizenship,

2) birth certificate, and

3) the certificate that no criminal proceedings have been brought against the applicant, and

photocopies (certified by the competent authority) of the following documents: diploma of secondary education, identity card, "B" driving licence category.

Note: Driving licence is not a requirement at the time of enrollment; however, the recruiters are obliged to pass the driving test within 3 years from the date of announcement of the open competition.

Applications with the required documents must be submitted by the interested parties within the prescribed deadline (usually 15 days from the date of the announcement of the competition), at the nearest police station or the regional police department in charge of their place of residence.

How to apply for Detective Training?

Ministry of the Interior (hereinafter: Ministry) is in charge of vocational education and training of persons (hereinafter: candidates).

Ministry at least twice a year (in the first and in the second half of the year) organizes professional training of candidates for performing detective duties.

The dates and the venue of the training is published on the website of the Ministry or otherwise made available to candidates.

Candidates can submit the application for attending the training and vocational education for performing detective duties to the Ministry through the relevant police department at their place of residence.

Application shall be accompanied by the following documents:

1) the certificate of citizenship;

2) the proof of payment of the administrative fee for the application for training.

Training of candidates is conducted through lectures and practice in accordance with the designed Program. It is delivered through theory, practice and other appropriate methods according to the implementation plan and the venue decided upon by the Ministry.

How do we use the basic competencies?

Basic competencies will be the basis for conducting the recruitment and selection processes, for the assessment and the development of employees, with the view to improve individual and organizational effectiveness. Basic competencies will be evaluated by psychologists and the Competition Commission during the selection process, and also by the heads of organizational units during the performance appraisal process. A chief purpose of any performance appraisal program is employee development.

The methods and requirements of employment in the Ministry of Interior

The method of employment in the Ministry of Interior was stipulated in Article 135 of the Law on Police ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No 6/2016 of 28 January, 2016)

The Ministry selects candidates for employment through open competition.

Exempt from Paragraph 1 of this Article, the employment of civil servants can also be based on transfer, on the basis of the agreement on the takeover from another government body.

Candidates can get employed in the Ministry only for those vacancies determined by the Act on internal organization and systematization, which have not been filled, and in cases when the filling in of such vacancy is in accordance with the adopted Human Resources Plan.

The open competition is mandatory for employment in the Ministry when its implementation is stipulated by the Law or Act under Article 9, Paragraph 2 of this Law.

Paragraph 4 of this Article shall not apply in cases of admission of candidates who graduated from higher education institutions and who are educated in accordance with a special program of study for the needs of the Ministry, on the basis of a previously signed contract.

The procedure and the method of conducting the open competition is stipulated by the Government.

Therefore, the admission of new persons in the Ministry of Interior shall be conducted solely on the basis of competition and the agreement on the takeover of civil servants from other government bodies, except for persons who graduated from the Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies who had previously signed a contract with the Ministry for all years of study.

General requirements for employment in a government body are stipulated by Article 45 of the Law on Civil Servants;

Special requirements for employment in the Ministry of Interior are stipulated by Article 137 and 138 of the Law on Police.

Detailed requirements for each position (such as the required level of education) are stipulated by the Ordinance on internal organization and systematization of jobs in the Ministry of Interior.

The same Ordinance stipulates that for the positions in the General Police Directorate where the years of service are accelerated, in the area of pension and disability insurance effectively, as follows:

- every 12 months spent effectively on these positions counts as 18 months of insurance and

- every 12 months spent effectively on these positions counts as 16 months of insurance, including work in shifts, requirements are the following:

a) 27 years of age for applying for positions requiring only secondary education;

b) 30 years of age if possessing less than five years of professional work experience and applying for a position requiring university degree, i.e. higher education.

For positions for which the requirement is the initial rank, i.e. the initial grade, trainees can be admitted.

Therefore, after the announcement of the open competition, interested candidates can apply provided that they fulfill the requirements for the admission.

What are the conditions for termination of employment with entitlement to old age retirement pension?

Service in the Ministry of Interior can be terminated for the employees with the right to retirement under the conditions defined in the Law on Police and the Law on Pension and Disability insurance which is presented in the following tables...


SOLIDARITY FUND - as an institute that is stipulated by the new Law on Police regulates conditions for payment and the scope of entitlement rights

Solidarity fund provides financial aid in case of a serious illness and the treatment of employees and members of their immediate families, and also to the underaged children in case of death of an employee.

Financial aid is provided within the budget.

Solidarity Fund is designed in such a way so that it can also provide financial assistance for employees and members of their immediate families, as well as to the families of the killed and injured employees for treatment purposes, for regular schooling, or in case of hazard caused by natural disasters, and the like.

Financial aid is provided for by the budget, donations, and voluntary contributions.

The misconceptions regarding the organization and referring police officers to preventive medical examinations

The Ministry of Interior organizes and conducts specific health care of its employees as prescribed in the program of specific health care; and it is conducted by the National Health Care Institute of the employees of the Ministry of Interior. Specific health care includes all of the preventive medical examinations including: preliminary, periodic, specialized (targeted), systematic and control physical examinations. The general objective of the specific health care is to achieve the highest level of preserving and improving the health of employees, and the above mentioned preventive medical examinations are mandatory. Preserving and improving health is the right and obligation of employees. Implementation plan of specific health care is made annually to provide funding for the program implementation.


1. What are the most common duties and involvement of psychologists?

Psychologists at the Ministry are involved in the three broad areas:

a) Preventive psychological work (based on activities preventing the occurrence of mental diseases or pathological behaviors).

b) Psychological selection of candidates (consisting of testing and choosing the best possible candidates for certain positions)

c) Career development (related to monitoring, assessment and developing employee competencies).

2. In what way is the psychological selection of candidates conducted?

Psychological selection is conducted using the psychological measurement tools (tests) and psychological interview.

3. What is assessed during the psychological selection?

During the psychological selection, the basic competencies of the employees in Ministry of Interior are evaluated.



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